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Picture of Diane Stevenson

Diane Stevenson

2020 is in the Rear View Mirror, 2021 is ahead

2020 is over. It has been a year like no other. For some it was a great year and, for others it was a struggle. For most of us it was somewhere in the middle. Let’s take a moment and reflect on the year that was….

Ok, long enough. In your glance back, did you see anything that you wish you did differently, or wish you did, period? Take a final glance at what you could have done differently and put it where it is, in the past. Leave it there. Life is too short to be built on regrets. Now is the time to start looking forward. What is 2021 going to look like for you? You can’t predict the future, but you can plan for the future and set some intentions for the next year.

A goal is not the same as a New Year’s Resolution. Resolutions are typically vague generalities such as “I am going to lose some weight this year”. There is nothing very specific about that statement. This is why the gyms are full at the beginning of January and are back to the regular crowd by mid-February. People tend to jump in with a great deal of enthusiasm, but it fizzles after about 6 weeks. The intentions are great, but with nothing specific to shoot for, people tend to just quit. When someone sets a goal, they know where they are going and they will also know when they get there. Thomas Carlyle said “A person with a clear purpose will make progress on even the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress on the smoothest road”. It has occurred to me that a person could use the 5 “W’s” + “how” of journalism to set a goal. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this, the 5 W’s are: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. So, what would this look like as a goal?

Who: Me

What: Lose 30 lbs.

When: By July 31, 2021 (30 weeks @ 1 lb per week), starting January 2, 2021

Where: At the gym, at home, outside

Why: I will feel better, have more energy, less joint pain, clothes will fit better

How: I will work out 3 days a week doing weights, 3 days a week of cardio and I will follow the Keto diet

You can also use the S.M.A.R.T technique for setting goals. They are S – Specific, M – Measurable, A – Achievable, R – Reasonable, T – Time frame. This is used by a lot of people Whatever your goal, be very specific. You should be able to visualize what achieving your goal will look like.

There will be setbacks in achieving your goal. Expect life to happen on the way to achieving your goal. I set a certain weight lifting goal in 2019. My program was 12 weeks. There was an illness and a minor injury during that 12 week period so it took me 14 weeks to reach that goal. I took out a one-week membership at a gym when we were on vacation so I wouldn’t miss a workout while we were gone. I didn’t let the setbacks or a vacation stop me from attaining that goal.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that the people closest to you may not be your biggest cheerleaders. Our relationships come from some type of commonality. Our closest friends (and family may not like the positive changes that you have chosen to make. They may even sabotage your efforts. This could come in the form of demeaning comments, or buying your favorite dessert or snack to throw you off track. Please remember that this is about them and not you. It could come from jealousy that you have the courage to make the changes that you are. They might find change threatening. You are different than you were when you started. As the famous philosopher Kermit the Frog said, “It’s not easy being green.”

When you have a setback, look at it as just that. If you miss a day working out, move on to the next day, don’t quit. Pick up where you left off. You have not failed. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison. Life doesn’t always go as we plan, stuff happens. Success doesn’t happen in a straight line it is a series of ups and downs. We just have to keep moving forward.

One of the most important factors in achieving your goals, beyond hard work and determination, is having a support group, your tribe. They will cheer you on through your successes and support you when you have a setback. They understand the challenges in attaining the goal you have set for yourself. They understand what it takes to get to the finish line. Your support group may come from people you already know, but as you continue on your journey, you may need more than they can give you. You may meet people along the way who fit into your new life. They are a natural addition to your support group. You may need to seek outside help. A coach could be a great addition to your tribe. A coach would help you to adjust goals, provide support and assist you in achieving the goal you are working toward.

Whatever the goal is that you are setting for 2021, don’t dwell in the past. Learn from your mistakes. Move forward one step at a time. Keep going. Pick your tribe. You’ve got this.